Virtual Sing Opportunity

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Virtual Sing Opportunity

Phil Price
Dear All,
In these lockdown times we are deprived of our usual singing, and who knows when quires will be able to reassemble? So, as kindly featured in the latest WGMA Newsletter, I am organising a number of 'virtual' sings, where anyone can take part. It works by recording yourself singing or playing onto a recording app on your phone or as found on most computers. To make sure we are all in time there is a set of Guide tracks, one for each voice part and one for instrument players, which you listen to on earphones as you play. The videos contain everything you need, including words and music.

We recently did 'Come Holy Spirit' and had participants from London Gallery Quire, The Madding Crowd. Bedford Gallery Quire and The Marsh Warblers, plus folks who had never sung West Gallery before. You can hear the result here:

Here is the link for the new one - here you will find four Guide tracks for singers and one for instrumentalists. I would love to have as many quires as possible contributing, as well as people new to WG, as this is a great way to introduce someone to it.

Please share this as widely as possible, and the deadline for sending in recordings is Sunday 28th June.

best regards
Phil Price