Thomas Mansell (fl 1782 -1810)

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Thomas Mansell (fl 1782 -1810)

David Shuker
I have a copy of the c. 1770 edition of Abraham Adams' Psalmist's New Companion with a number of manuscript anthems and tunes bound in. The books is signed Thomas Mansell with two dates 1782 and 1810. Mansell appears to be a surname fairly common in Shropshire. Has anyone come across this name? I am preparing a list of of the manuscript music.
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Re: Thomas Mansell (fl 1782 -1810)

Edwin Macadam (wg-admin)

I came across your message in 2022 on the WGMA  Forum regarding Thomas Mansell.

Coincidentally I am working on a manuscript dated 1820, which was written by a Jno (John) Mansell from Kemble in Wiltshire (small repro. of title page hopefully appears above). I have yet to prepare a full index for it, but thee are the usual mix of psalms and anthems, also a Mag. and Nunc which are undated and unascribed. I am using one or two pieces from it at Sidmouth in August.

Kemble is right on the edge of Gloucestershire, and in fact has now been transferred to that county. Close to Cirencester and Coates, with, I believe, connections with the latter as to music used in church there.

I'm also interested in what you say about Abraham Adams. Temperley's record for his 10th edition is:
Adams, Abraham, of Shoreham, Kent. The Psalmist’s New Companion. Ed.10. London: For C. & S. Thompson, [c.1765]. 190p.; oblong; engraved. GB-Lbl: A.133.a. 44 tunes (4); 23 anthems.
Is this the same as your copy, or possibly a later edition?

edwin macadam
edwinmacadam - at -
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Re: Thomas Mansell (fl 1782 -1810)

Edwin Macadam (wg-admin)
The date of the manuscript is in fact 1822, not 1820, my error!
The front cover contains an intriguing message in code, but you need to come to the WGMA workshops at Sidmouth at the beginning of August to find out the interpretation!