Millennium Tune

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Millennium Tune

I am currently researching a tune called "Millennium"
It has been appearing in Methodist tune books since at least 1877 composer 'unknown'.  I have managed to identify him as Johanne Ruprecht Durrner 1810 -1859. Born Ansbach, trained under Mendelssohn.  Moved to Edinburgh working as conductor, vocal teacher and composer.

"The Praise Book" 1866 quotes its source for "Millennium" as 'Gems of Song' by J Durrner.  Published by John Maclaren of Edinburgh in 1850.

I have found John Maclaren, but I cannot find any reference to 'Gems of Song for the 1850s ( although there are plenty of references to other 'Gems' of later date.

I wondered if anyone had come across the 1850s 'Gems' and if so can you confirm Millennium is in it and is in fact composed or has reference to Durrner.
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Re: Millennium Tune

Hi Jonathan, I can't help in locating a copy of Johann Ruprecht Dürrner's book to confirm whether it contains "Millennium" or not, but I did find an advertisement for it, in another book published by John Maclaren in 1860 - "Ter-Centenary of the Scottish Reformation" by J. A. Wylie.  At the end of this book there is a list of publications by Maclaren, some of which include extracts from reviews.

GEMS OF SONG FOR YOUTHFUL VOICES. Music by the late J. R. DURRNER. 16mo, gilt edges, 1s.
"In this casket we have genuine gems - things of real value; and we congratulate our young friends on their being offered such a gift from the rich cabinet of the much-lamented Dürrner."  - Scotsman.

This sounds like a posthumous publication, so the 1850 publication date you are looking for may be an error. It might be worth checking newspapers such as The Scotsman (some are digitised) for earlier reviews etc.
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Re: Millennium Tune


Hello Fynn

Thank you for the information.  It is very useful, and is another link in the chain.  I will see if I can track down "Gems for youthful voices" and the "Ter centenary" book.  Any leads I can get are much appreciated.

Thanks again
